Saturday, 24 December 2016

The day before Christmas ...

It’s the day before Christmas, chaos in the house,
“We’ve forgotten the Turkey” says mum to her spouse!
Teddy ignores her, goes back to his game,
Dad rushes out saying “I’m not to blame!”

Young Scarlet sits primly untangling lights,
Then Ted pulls her hair and the two start to fight.
The baby crawls through dragging tinsel behind,
Mum wishes this day had a pause or rewind.

The presents aren’t wrapped and the kids start to moan,
“I bet I get socks again” say’s Ted with a groan.
“You two are ungrateful!” says mum to the pair,
“Now help me at once … this is really not fair!”

The sun is now setting, the times running out.
Mum stands in the mess and beginning to shout says …
“Enough of this nonsense you ALL must join in …
Or Christmas is cancelled, all gifts in the bin!”

Dad then returns with a Turkey supreme,
Poor mum looks so pleased and now starting to beam says …
“It’s coming together so let’s all take stock” …
They all look alarmed, at the door there’s a knock!

Aunt Tilly’s come early …. the cousins in tow,
Matilda and Jack are now traipsing in snow.
“We thought we’d come now as the roads will be closing”
 Mum stands still in shock, her smile appears frozen.

After tea and some shortbread, the mood starts to thaw,
The cat’s going bonkers, ribbon stuck to its paw.
The baby starts shrieking, dad brings in the tree,
The family all laugh as the dog does a wee.

They all start to decorate the tree in the house,
Suddenly peaceful, as quiet as a mouse.
The children put carrots and cake on the hearth,
“It’s time for your bedtimes” says dad with a laugh.

Snow continues to fall, the sky dark and clear,
The family are sleeping, dreams absent of fear.
The quiet is broken by a faint jingling noise,
In the distance, some reindeer … a sleigh full of toys.

The driver a man oh so jolly and round,
The sleigh lands on the rooftop with barely a sound.
In a magical flash and the blink of an eye,
Old Santa appears and scoffs down the mince pie.

He pours out the gifts from a large sack with glee,
And places them all round the twinkling tree.
He sits for a second and stifles a yawn,
There are thousands more presents to deliver by dawn.

A clatter above …. impatient reindeer,
“Be quiet you fellows, the carrots are here!”
With a clap of his hands and a swish of his hair,
The room is now empty … like he’s never been there.

“Good night all you little one’s asleep in your beds …
Thoughts of new games and dolls and soft bears in your heads,
Play nicely, be thankful, be helpful and share …
As your loved ones are gifts beyond all compare.”